//**************************************************** Mp3 ******************************************************** var warsh_number = 16; var qaloon_number = 21; var shoubaa_number = 28; function get_ayah_mp3file(sel_reciter_list_id, sel_reciter, sel_surah, sel_Ayah) { var sel_mp3 // var ok = UrlExists(sel_reciter + "/" + ppad(sel_surah, 3) + ppad(sel_Ayah, 3) + '.mp3') // if (ok = true) { // alert("هذا الملف غير موجود" + sel_reciter + "/" + ppad(sel_surah, 3) + ppad(sel_Ayah, 3) + '.mp3') // return false // } var reciter_index = document.getElementById(sel_reciter_list_id).selectedIndex if (reciter_index < 12) { // if (reciter_index < 0 ) { if (sel_surah > 0 && sel_surah < 8) { sel_mp3 = sel_reciter + "/" + ppad(sel_surah, 3) + ppad(sel_Ayah, 3) + '.mp3'; }; if (sel_surah > 7 && sel_surah < 20) { sel_mp3 = sel_reciter + "_2/" + ppad(sel_surah, 3) + ppad(sel_Ayah, 3) + '.mp3'; }; if (sel_surah > 19 && sel_surah < 30) { sel_mp3 = sel_reciter + "_3/" + ppad(sel_surah, 3) + ppad(sel_Ayah, 3) + '.mp3'; }; if (sel_surah > 29 && sel_surah < 44) { sel_mp3 = sel_reciter + "_4/" + ppad(sel_surah, 3) + ppad(sel_Ayah, 3) + '.mp3'; }; if (sel_surah > 43 && sel_surah < 67) { sel_mp3 = sel_reciter + "_5/" + ppad(sel_surah, 3) + ppad(sel_Ayah, 3) + '.mp3'; }; if (sel_surah > 66) { sel_mp3 = sel_reciter + "_6/" + ppad(sel_surah, 3) + ppad(sel_Ayah, 3) + '.mp3'; }; } else { sel_mp3 = sel_reciter + ppad(sel_surah, 3) + ppad(sel_Ayah, 3) + '.mp3'; } //**************************************************************************************************************************************** return sel_mp3; }; //******************************************************************************************************************************** function get_page_ayah_source(surah_no) { //alert(surah_no) if (surah_no > 0) { if (surah_no > 0 && surah_no < 8) { return "http://archive.org/download/Quran4u_Quran_Page_Ayah/" } if (surah_no > 7 && surah_no < 20) { return "http://archive.org/download/Quran4u_Quran_Page_Ayah_2/" } if (surah_no > 19 && surah_no < 30) { return "http://archive.org/download/Quran4u_Quran_Page_Ayah_3/" } if (surah_no > 29 && surah_no < 44) { return "http://archive.org/download/Quran4u_Quran_Page_Ayah_4/" } if (surah_no > 43 && surah_no < 67) { return "http://archive.org/download/Quran4u_Quran_Page_Ayah_5/" } if (surah_no > 66) { return "http://archive.org/download/Quran4u_Quran_Page_Ayah_6/" } } else { return "" } }; //********************************************************************************************************************************* function play_mp3(div_name,mp3_file) { document.getElementById(div_name).innerHTML = '' + '' } function center_image2(surah_num, ayah_num) { var topPos = document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + parseInt(surah_num) + "_" + parseInt(ayah_num)).offsetTop; document.getElementById('Put_Here').scrollTop = topPos - 80; }; function center_image(ayah_num) { var topPos = document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + parseInt(ayah_num)).offsetTop; document.getElementById('Put_Here').scrollTop = topPos - 80; }; function un_select_all_ayahs(surah_no) { var j = 1; for (j = 1; j <= surahsayahs[surah_no]; j++) { document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + (j)).style.background = "#E3E9F2"; document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + (j)).style.border = "0"; } } function un_select_all_ayahs2(surah_no) { var j = 1; for (j = 1; j <= surahsayahs[surah_no]; j++) { document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + surah_no + "_" + (j)).style.background = "#E3E9F2"; document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + surah_no + "_" + (j)).style.border = "0"; } } //*********************************************************************************************************** function select_Ayah(Ayah_no) { //------------------------------------------------------- UnSelect Ayah ------------------------------------------------------ if (Ayah_no > 1) { document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + (Ayah_no - 1)).style.background = "#E3E9F2"; document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + (Ayah_no - 1)).style.border = "0"; }; //-------------------------------------------------------- Select Ayah --------------------------------------------------------- document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + Ayah_no).style.background = "#FFE7C1"; document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + Ayah_no).style.border = "thick solid #FFE7C1"; //------------------------------------------------------- Center Ayah ----------------------------------------------------------- var topPos = document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + Ayah_no).offsetTop; document.getElementById('Put_Here').scrollTop = topPos - 80; }; //*********************************************************************************************************** function select_Ayah2(Surah_no,Ayah_no) { //------------------------------------------------------- UnSelect Ayah ------------------------------------------------------ if (Ayah_no > 1) { document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + Surah_no +"_" + (Ayah_no - 1)).style.background = "#E3E9F2"; document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + Surah_no + "_" + (Ayah_no - 1)).style.border = "0"; }; //-------------------------------------------------------- Select Ayah --------------------------------------------------------- document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + Surah_no + "_" + Ayah_no).style.background = "#FFE7C1"; document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + Surah_no + "_" + Ayah_no).style.border = "thick solid #FFE7C1"; //------------------------------------------------------- Center Ayah ----------------------------------------------------------- var topPos = document.getElementById("Ayaimg" + Surah_no + "_" + Ayah_no).offsetTop; document.getElementById('Put_Here').scrollTop = topPos - 80; }; //***************************************************************************************************************************** function ppad(number, length) { var str = '' + number; while (str.length < length) { str = '0' + str; } return str; } //********************************************************************************************************************************* function UrlExists(url) { var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); http.open('HEAD', url, false); http.send(); return http.status != 404; } //******************************************************************************************************************************** function get_ayah_source(surah_no) { //alert(surah_no) if (surah_no > 0) { if (surah_no > 0 && surah_no < 8) { return "http://archive.org/download/Quran4u_Quran_Ayah/" } if (surah_no > 7 && surah_no < 20) { return "http://archive.org/download/Quran4u_Quran_Ayah_2/" } if (surah_no > 19 && surah_no < 30) { return "http://archive.org/download/Quran4u_Quran_Ayah_3/" } if (surah_no > 29 && surah_no < 44) { return "http://archive.org/download/Quran4u_Quran_Ayah_4/" } if (surah_no > 43 && surah_no < 67) { return "http://archive.org/download/Quran4u_Quran_Ayah_5/" } if (surah_no > 66) { return "http://archive.org/download/Quran4u_Quran_Ayah_6/" } } else { return "" } }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- var FlashDetect = new function () { var self = this; self.installed = false; self.raw = ""; self.major = -1; self.minor = -1; self.revision = -1; self.revisionStr = ""; var activeXDetectRules = [ { "name": "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7", "version": function (obj) { return getActiveXVersion(obj); } }, { "name": "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6", "version": function (obj) { var version = "6,0,21"; try { obj.AllowScriptAccess = "always"; version = getActiveXVersion(obj); } catch (err) { } return version; } }, { "name": "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash", "version": function (obj) { return getActiveXVersion(obj); } } ]; /** * Extract the ActiveX version of the plugin. * * @param {Object} The flash ActiveX object. * @type String */ var getActiveXVersion = function (activeXObj) { var version = -1; try { version = activeXObj.GetVariable("$version"); } catch (err) { } return version; }; /** * Try and retrieve an ActiveX object having a specified name. * * @param {String} name The ActiveX object name lookup. * @return One of ActiveX object or a simple object having an attribute of activeXError with a value of true. * @type Object */ var getActiveXObject = function (name) { var obj = -1; try { obj = new ActiveXObject(name); } catch (err) { obj = { activeXError: true }; } return obj; }; /** * Parse an ActiveX $version string into an object. * * @param {String} str The ActiveX Object GetVariable($version) return value. * @return An object having raw, major, minor, revision and revisionStr attributes. * @type Object */ var parseActiveXVersion = function (str) { var versionArray = str.split(","); //replace with regex return { "raw": str, "major": parseInt(versionArray[0].split(" ")[1], 10), "minor": parseInt(versionArray[1], 10), "revision": parseInt(versionArray[2], 10), "revisionStr": versionArray[2] }; }; /** * Parse a standard enabledPlugin.description into an object. * * @param {String} str The enabledPlugin.description value. * @return An object having raw, major, minor, revision and revisionStr attributes. * @type Object */ var parseStandardVersion = function (str) { var descParts = str.split(/ +/); var majorMinor = descParts[2].split(/\./); var revisionStr = descParts[3]; return { "raw": str, "major": parseInt(majorMinor[0], 10), "minor": parseInt(majorMinor[1], 10), "revisionStr": revisionStr, "revision": parseRevisionStrToInt(revisionStr) }; }; /** * Parse the plugin revision string into an integer. * * @param {String} The revision in string format. * @type Number */ var parseRevisionStrToInt = function (str) { return parseInt(str.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, ""), 10) || self.revision; }; /** * Is the major version greater than or equal to a specified version. * * @param {Number} version The minimum required major version. * @type Boolean */ self.majorAtLeast = function (version) { return self.major >= version; }; /** * Is the minor version greater than or equal to a specified version. * * @param {Number} version The minimum required minor version. * @type Boolean */ self.minorAtLeast = function (version) { return self.minor >= version; }; /** * Is the revision version greater than or equal to a specified version. * * @param {Number} version The minimum required revision version. * @type Boolean */ self.revisionAtLeast = function (version) { return self.revision >= version; }; /** * Is the version greater than or equal to a specified major, minor and revision. * * @param {Number} major The minimum required major version. * @param {Number} (Optional) minor The minimum required minor version. * @param {Number} (Optional) revision The minimum required revision version. * @type Boolean */ self.versionAtLeast = function (major) { var properties = [self.major, self.minor, self.revision]; var len = Math.min(properties.length, arguments.length); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (properties[i] >= arguments[i]) { if (i + 1 < len && properties[i] == arguments[i]) { continue; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } }; /** * Constructor, sets raw, major, minor, revisionStr, revision and installed public properties. */ self.FlashDetect = function () { if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length > 0) { var type = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; var mimeTypes = navigator.mimeTypes; if (mimeTypes && mimeTypes[type] && mimeTypes[type].enabledPlugin && mimeTypes[type].enabledPlugin.description) { var version = mimeTypes[type].enabledPlugin.description; var versionObj = parseStandardVersion(version); self.raw = versionObj.raw; self.major = versionObj.major; self.minor = versionObj.minor; self.revisionStr = versionObj.revisionStr; self.revision = versionObj.revision; self.installed = true; } } else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") == -1 && window.execScript) { var version = -1; for (var i = 0; i < activeXDetectRules.length && version == -1; i++) { var obj = getActiveXObject(activeXDetectRules[i].name); if (!obj.activeXError) { self.installed = true; version = activeXDetectRules[i].version(obj); if (version != -1) { var versionObj = parseActiveXVersion(version); self.raw = versionObj.raw; self.major = versionObj.major; self.minor = versionObj.minor; self.revision = versionObj.revision; self.revisionStr = versionObj.revisionStr; } } } } } (); }; FlashDetect.JS_RELEASE = "1.0.4"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function falsh_detect() { if (FlashDetect.installed) { // document.getElementById("Detect_Flash").src = 'images_Browsers/All.gif' //.style.width = "0px"; // document.getElementById("Detect_Flash").style.width = "0px"; // document.getElementById("Detect_Flash").style.height = "0px"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // document.getElementById("Detect_Flash").src = 'images_12/Flash_Detect_Ramadan.gif' document.getElementById("Detect_Flash").src = 'images_Browsers\/All.gif' } if (!FlashDetect.installed) { document.getElementById("Detect_Flash").src = 'images_12/Flash_Detect.gif' //.style.width = "620px"; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function open_sharawy(file_num) { width = 820; height = 500; x = (800 - width) / 2, y = (600 - height) / 2; if (screen) { y = (screen.availHeight - height) / 2; x = (screen.availWidth - width) / 2; } window.open('http://elsharawy.com/sharawy.aspx?p_name_english=s' + file_num , 'newWin', 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',screenX=' + x + ',scrollbars=yes,screenY=' + y + ',top=' + y + ',left=' + x); } function open_saady_sound(file_num) { width = 500; height = 300; x = (800 - width) / 2, y = (600 - height) / 2; if (screen) { y = (screen.availHeight - height) / 2; x = (screen.availWidth - width) / 2; } window.open('Surah_And_Tafsir/' + file_num + '.htm', 'newWin', 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',screenX=' + x + ',scrollbars=yes,screenY=' + y + ',top=' + y + ',left=' + x); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function openNabawy() { width = 660; height = 500; x = (800 - width) / 2, y = (600 - height) / 2; if (screen) { y = (screen.availHeight - height) / 2; x = (screen.availWidth - width) / 2; } window.open('Tafsir_Nabawy_prog.aspx', 'newWin', 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',screenX=' + x + ',scrollbars=yes,screenY=' + y + ',top=' + y + ',left=' + x); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function openWindow(SS, AA) { width = 500; height = 350; x = (800 - width) / 2, y = (600 - height) / 2; if (screen) { y = (screen.availHeight - height) / 2; x = (screen.availWidth - width) / 2; } window.open('PopupTafseer.aspx?surah=' + SS + '&Ayah=' + AA, 'newWin', 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',screenX=' + x + ',scrollbars=yes,screenY=' + y + ',top=' + y + ',left=' + x); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function openWindow2(SS, AA) { width = 500; height = 470; x = (800 - width) / 2, y = (600 - height) / 2; if (screen) { y = (screen.availHeight - height) / 2; x = (screen.availWidth - width) / 2; } window.open('http://www.qurancomplex.org/quran/ayat_services.asp?l=arb&nSora=' + SS + '&nAya=' + AA, 'newWin', 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',screenX=' + x + ',scrollbars=yes,screenY=' + y + ',top=' + y + ',left=' + x); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PopupVideo(SS) { width = 485; height = 430; x = (800 - width) / 2, y = (600 - height) / 2; if (screen) { y = (screen.availHeight - height) / 2; x = (screen.availWidth - width) / 2; } window.open('Video_AbdelBasit/' + SS + '.htm', 'newWin', 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',screenX=' + x + ',scrollbars=yes,screenY=' + y + ',top=' + y + ',left=' + x); } var goto_top_type = -1; var goto_top_itv = 0; function goto_top_timer() { var y = goto_top_type == 1 ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop; //alert(y); var moveby = 15; // set this to control scroll seed. minimum is fast y -= Math.ceil(y * moveby / 100); if (y < 0) y = 0; if (goto_top_type == 1) document.documentElement.scrollTop = y; else document.body.scrollTop = y; if (y == 0) { clearInterval(goto_top_itv); goto_top_itv = 0; } } function goto_top() { if (goto_top_itv == 0) { if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) goto_top_type = 1; else if (document.body && document.body.scrollTop) goto_top_type = 2; else goto_top_type = 0; if (goto_top_type > 0) goto_top_itv = setInterval('goto_top_timer()', 25); } } function PopupSharawy(SS) { width = 800; height = 430; x = (800 - width) / 2, y = (600 - height) / 2; if (screen) { y = (screen.availHeight - height) / 2; x = (screen.availWidth - width) / 2; } window.open('http://elsharawy.com/sharawy.aspx?p_name_english=s' + SS, 'newWin', 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',screenX=' + x + ',scrollbars=yes,screenY=' + y + ',top=' + y + ',left=' + x); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Image_preload(images) { if (document.images) { var i = 0; var imageArray = new Array(); imageArray = images.split(','); var imageObj = new Image(); for (i = 0; i <= imageArray.length - 1; i++) { //document.write('');// Write to page (uncomment to check images) imageObj.src = imageArray[i]; } } } function PopupWarsh() { width = 1000; height = 600; x = (1280 - width) / 2, y = (720 - height) / 2; if (screen) { y = (screen.availHeight - height) / 2; x = (screen.availWidth - width) / 2; } window.open('http://v3.quranflash.com/books/Warsh2/?ar', 'newWin', 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',screenX=' + x + ',menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,screenY=' + y + ',top=' + y + ',left=' + x); }